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Join us in building the leading collaborative ecosystem in Europe.

Dare to bring collaboration to the next level? Let’s create a positive impact together. There are three options to join our journey.

Active Member

Our vision is to bulild the leading ecosystem of active independent ecosystem shapers and ecosystem minded companies beyond opportunistic projects. Active members bring and share capabilities as well as opportunities. weCooperative is the common owned space for collaborative ecosystem development between the active members.

Supporting Member

You or your company identify with our vision but do not have the time or ability to actively shape it with us in the moment. Becoming a supporting member signals your intention to stay informed and support the ecosystem when possible.

Work With Us

We are an open ecosystem. Although we prefer to have long-term relationships of equals, we know that trust can only grow over time and through concrete work. We are happy to support your strategy, build or scale as independent consultants and entrepreneurs for ecosystem collaboration as a starting point.

Code of Conduct

Our work is lead by ten shared principles & beliefs.

Commitment to Lifelong Learning & Development

Even though we all have at least 10 years of experience, we only know fragments in the dynamically evolving world. Therefore, we commit ourselves to constantly expand our experience and to perform our expert role only as long as we can meet our above-average demand for expertise.

Commitment to Cross-Functional Working & Diverse Skills

We believe that above-average results are only possible when we combine the strengths of different characters and experiences. That is why we never work alone, but always as a team, or at least in tandem.

Commitment to Apolitical Trusted C-Level Advisory

If we want to promote the development of people, companies and societies, we can only do so from a strong value-based and independent position. We therefore work in a fundamentally apolitical, data-driven, respectful and solution-oriented manner and see an appropriate environment as a basic prerequisite for our engagement.

Future Optimist

Digitization is changing everything and not only bringing good changes. We are committed to shaping the future in a positive way and see problems as challenges to be overcome. We believe that a better digital future is possible together.

Entrepreneur by Heart

Although the digital transformation has been going on for over 20 years, no company or society has yet successfully completed the digital transformation. That is why we are constantly breaking new ground with our customers and see ourselves as creative explorers. We do not want to work without an open culture of error and curiosity.


We will no longer accept the limitations and collateral damage of individual special interest optimization. We will always ignore a statement beginning with "I want" and always question our own actions under the categorical imperative.

Agile Mindset

Innovation and transformation do not arise in chaos, but as a result of hard work as continuous improvement. The agile methods serve as a basis for our work, but are also not applied dogmatically. In any case, we strive for continuous improvement.

Value-Driven Behaviour

We do not believe in either/or economic and social value creation, but we see economic value creation as a hygiene factor and social added value as a success factor for our work. We will only operate where we can combine the two.

Get-It-Done Mentality

There is no lack of ideas and concepts. The challenge is the implementation of holistic digital transformation. That is why implementation is the focus of our work. We focus on working on the system and not in the system to achieve the greatest possible impact.


No Code of Conduct should have more than 10 rules, so we are committed to challenging an old rule when a new one is needed. In addition, we want to be measured on compliance with our Code of Conduct with more than 360 degrees of feedback per year, and if the Executive Board and Supervisory Board unanimously decide on the basis of objective measurement, we also accept our expulsion from the cooperative for non-compliance in case of doubt.